Urban Growth Park, Springfield, Cape Town


The property was acquired in 2022. The property offers excellent development opportunities.

SAB is currently the tenant and they use the facility as a logistics hub for its transport partner, FADEL.

Property details

The property is an A-grade industrial warehouse space with offices and an ablution block for truck drivers. There is also a large yard for trucks to park and turn around within the premises.

The property also houses its own fueling station, which is a necessity for the tenant allowing its trucks to refuel in its yard. They are also able to service trucks on-site, making it easier and more efficient to get trucks back on the road.


South African Breweries is a major brewery headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is of Anheuser-Busch InBev.

The company owns over 200 beer brands, including Budweiser and Bud Light, Corona, and Stella Artois, to name a few.

The facity is currently used by SAB’s transport partner, FADEL.

total size (sqm)

23 054

Total Tenants


Anchor Tenants

South African Breweries

Long Term Remaining

5 Years

Type Lease

Triple Net Leases


30 KVA Generator

Valuation (1 July 2023)

R66 000 000